Friday, May 22, 2015

Kenny Smtih (Kenneth Howard Smith) Internet Radio's Grammy, Emmy and Oscar Maker also records his own music

 I'm Not Really Into this stuff as an Artist, I just get Lucky sometime. . .

I really enjoy playing the radio. I have always loved that part of music, starting out as a child with my very first crystal radio set.
 In college as the commissioner of publicity, I had to go on the radio to promote various school activities, where I got my first radio job at Mutual Broadcasting Systems, then on to rock radio.
 I currently have several radio stations, well lets say I have over eight (8) radio stations and one terrestrial station at K100.2FM, where I play music of my selected artists from Billboard, CMJ, MusicSubmit, RadioDirectX, Indie Radio Artists, and many other digital distribution outlets.
 Did I say that one of my station's is a Billboard Reporting station. Anyway, if you get a chance to read any of this stuff, I would like to play your music on my stations, and you can send it to me at --. Please submit your songs in MP3 formats at a minimum of 128MHz. And I thank you for your music and consideration.
we upload these digital artists and then their story began.  From print, digital files, mp3 files, photographs, magazine front covers, then your music is placed on the SDC DIGITAL RADIO NETWORKS Playlist, that's distributed to over 120 countries. 
The FLAG SHIP station is, KDTN RADIO ONE on  The second oldest playlist on the internet.  Smith gets over one hundred new CDs worth of music every week from all over the world.
 ". . . On the radio, we play everything that got a pulse."  -KHSmith, Music Director of SDC Digital Radio Networks

And on the talk radio circuit, we talk about it all too.  Everything from media in review to political rant and raves, software updates and a little bit of music.

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