Monday, June 15, 2015

What is the difference between Terri Heinz-Kerry, John Howard Griffin and Rachel Dolezal?

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- The question comes up about "Black Face" and being the leader of the NAACP, an organization founded by Northern Whites in the 1800's and yes their first presidents of the movement were white.  So we have here a question of who is white and who is black.  Not one of us. . . When Senator John Kerry's wife, Terri Heinz told everyone at the Democratic Convention several years ago, that she was AFRICIAN-AMERICAN - no one said a word.  The facts is that Mrs. Heinz-Kerry is African-American and white.  She was born in South Africa and moved to America and is worth Billions of dollars.  Yet no one questions her race.

I'm sure that if Ms. Dolezal would take a DNA test, it would reveal much more, and if she chooses too be an elephant, so be it, or even Kermit the green frog.  I'm very happy that she is a pioneer since the days of John Howard Griffin's "Black Like Me" and wishes to experience her life.  As for her attending Howard University.  She never said that she was African-American or any other race, the school naturally assumed the position.  It also appears that she has never deceived anyone about anything, it has been us to "assume" her identify, she merely acted on it.  

Remember most of the actors in Hollywood are not whom they say they are, from names to appearances.  So what's the beef.  Let this brave citizen live her life.  -KHS

Black Like Me is a nonfiction book by journalist John Howard Griffin first published in 1961. Griffin was a white native of Dallas, Texas and the book describes his six-week experience travelling on Greyhound buses (occasionally hitchhiking) throughout the racially segregated states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia passing as a black man. Sepia Magazine financed the project in exchange for the right to print the account first as a series of articles.

Griffin kept a journal of his experiences; the 188-page diary was the genesis of the book.
At the time of the book's writing in 1959, race relations in America were particularly strained and Griffin aimed to explain the difficulties that black people faced in certain areas. Under the care of a doctor, Griffin artificially darkened his skin to pass as a black man.

In 1964, a film version of Black Like Me starring James Whitmore was produced.
Robert Bonazzi subsequently published the book Man in the Mirror: John Howard Griffin and the Story of Black Like Me.

The title of the book is taken from the last line of the Langston Hughes poem "Dream Variations".

Rachel Dolezal's appearance is 'blackface,' brother says

NAACP official Rachel Dolezal's race being questioned

NAACP official Rachel Dolezal's race being questioned 02:48

Story highlights

  • Dolezal says she will likely speak Monday night at NAACP meeting
  • In 2010, Dolezal became the legal guardian of her black adopted brother
  • The Spokane NAACP head had identified partly as black; her parents say she is white
(CNN)Ezra Dolezal says he didn't know how to respond the day his adopted sister took him aside and asked him "not to blow her cover" about having a black father.
On that day three years ago, he said, Rachel Dolezal, 37, told him she was starting life anew in Spokane, Washington, where she's now head of the local chapter of the NAACP and chairwoman of a police oversight committee.
Ezra Dolezal, 22, came to visit her from Montana, where their parents live. His adopted sister was on her way to becoming one of the most prominent faces in Spokane's black community.
"She told me not to blow her cover about the fact that she had this secret life or alternate identity," Ezra Dolezal said Saturday. "She told me not to tell anybody about Montana or her family over there. She said she was starting a new life ... and this one person over there was actually going to be her black father."
Dolezal's race has come under question after her estranged mother claimed she is white but is "being dishonest and deceptive with her identity."
Dolezal has identified herself as at least partly African-American but her Montana birth certificate states she was born to two parents who say they are Caucasian. The parents shared that document and old photos with CNN.
"I kind of saw it coming," Ezra Dolezal said of the controversy. "Instead of sticking to a simple story, she's been trying to make this really complex and it finally got too big for her to handle."
CNN contacted Dolezal on Saturday. She declined an on-camera interview, saying she stands by her record of service and referring CNN to a statement from the NAACP on Friday. Dolezal told CNN she would likely speak Monday night at the NAACP meeting in Spokane
The Spokane Spokesman-Review, meanwhile, reported that she has framed the controversy surrounding her racial identity in the context of litigation over guardianship of her adopted brother.
"We are her birth parents," Lawrence Dolezal told CNN on Friday. "We do not understand why she feels it's necessary to misrepresent her ethnicity."
Rachel Dolezal grew up in what her parents called a diverse family, with friends from various ethnicities and four adopted siblings who are black. She was "always interested in ethnicity and diversity" growing up, her mother Ruthanne Dolezal said.
Dolezal attended college in Mississippi, then went on to Howard University on scholarship -- not having identified herself as black then on her application because there was no such option, though people there may have assumed as much "because her portfolio of art was all African-American portraiture," her mother said.
It wasn't until around 2007, her parents said, that Dolezal began identifying herself more with the African-American community, according to her mother.
Her parents say Rachel Dolezal "has chosen to distance herself from the family."
According to court documents obtained by CNN, Rachel Dolezal's adopted brother, Izaiah -- who is black -- sought emancipation from Ruthanne and Lawrence Dolezal in 2010. The adopted brother, now 21, said the Dolezals used "physical forms of punishment" and had sent his brother and sister away to group homes because they didn't cooperate with the couple's religion and rules.

'Slap in the face'

The adopted brother wanted to live with Rachel Dolezal "in a multiracial household where black culture is celebrated and I have a connection to the black community," the court papers said. The papers did not specify Rachel Dolezal's race.
Ezra Dolezal said the accusations of physical punishment were false. They divided the family. He said he never confronted his adopted sister when she asked him not to blow her cover because he didn't want to make the situation worse.
His adopted sister was always interested in African-American culture but it wasn't until about 2011 that he started to notice physical changes.
"There was the gradual darkening of the skin and the hair," he said. "She started molding herself into who she is today."
He said Dolezal's transformation was tantamount to living in "blackface."
"It's kind of a slap in the face to African-Americans because she doesn't know what it's like to be black," said Ezra Dolezal, whose biological mother was white and father half-black. "She's only been African-American when it benefited her. She hasn't been through all the struggles. She's only been African-American the last few years."
Izaiah's petition for emancipation was dropped. In a separate legal action in 2010, the court appointed Rachel Dolezal to be the adopted brother's guardian with the consent of Ruthanne and Lawrence Dolezal.
Ezra Dolezal said he admires his adopted sister's appreciation and advocacy for the black community and culture. But he questions her handling of the race issue.
"I believe that the first most important thing regardless of what a person does is that they have integrity," he said. "Rachel has done really good work fighting against racism and police brutality ... but she went about it the wrong way. She said I was born black. I grew up black and I know what it's like growing up as an African-American in this world. She does not."
Dolezal's time at predominantly black Howard University may have been a major turning point in her transformation, her adopted brother said.
"When she applied they thought she was a black student," he said. "When she came there, they saw she was white and she wasn't treated that well, especially by people that worked there. She probably started developing this kind of dislike for being white and dislike for white people. She used to tell Izaiah ... that all white people are racists. She might have developed some self-hatred."
On Friday, the Dolezals told CNN they didn't want to comment on a possible "legal dispute" that their daughter and the NAACP had mentioned.
One organization that appears to be standing behind her is the NAACP. The group, historically one of the most prominent in supporting causes important to the African-American community, said that Dolezal is "enduring a legal issue with her family" and that "we respect her privacy in this matter."
"One's racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership," the group said. "The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal's advocacy record."

Challenged about her race

Dolezal allegedly represented herself as African-American -- along with several other ethnicities, including white and Native American -- in an application for a Spokane police ombudsman commission.
And she has presented the public with a different family photograph posted to the local NAACP chapter's Facebook page. When she announced her father was coming to town for a visit, she showed herself standing next to an older African-American man.
 NAACP official's race questioned

NAACP official's race questioned 01:00
Dolezal's public racial identity came under scrutiny on Thursday, when a reporter from CNN affiliate KXLY held up that photo and asked her if it showed her dad. She replied that it did.
Then came a follow-up question: "Are you African-American?"
"I don't understand the question of -- I did tell you that, yes, that's my dad. And he was unable to come in January," Dolezal responded.
"Are your parents -- are they white?" came the next query.
Dolezal walked away from the microphone, leaving her purse and keys, and took refuge in a nearby clothing boutique.

Expert, advocate on black community

Dolezal has built a wide-ranging career as an expert on and advocate for the black community.
She is not just president of her local NAACP chapter; she is also an academic expert on African-American culture and teaches many related classes at Eastern Washington University.
She represents the black community publicly and vocally, including as a spokeswoman on race-influenced police violence. On Tuesday she spoke to Al Jazeera on the topic. And Dolezal has appeared alongside Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who has filed charges against police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, a young black man.
The mayor of Spokane appointed Dolezal chairwoman of a police oversight committee to keep an eye on fairness in police work.
After the allegations of faked racial identity surfaced, Mayor David Condon and City Council President Ben Stuckart said they take "very seriously the concerns raised regarding the chair of the independent citizen police ombudsman commission."
The city is checking to see if she has violated any policies.
Still, what Dolezal has done is more important than what race she is to the NAACP, regional President Gerald Hankerson said. He called the NAACP a civil rights organization first that includes "leaders from all different ethnicities," adding that it "doesn't do a genealogy search on what a person's ethnicity is when they" take a top position.
As to Dolezal specifically, Hankerson said, "We represent all civil rights issues, regardless of a person's ethnicity. And the quality of the work that she has done to elevate the issues of civil rights in that region is what we applaud."
CNN's Stephanie Elam, Paul Vercammen, Greg Botelho, Tony Marco and Ralph Ellis contributed to this

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