Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Foreign countries are warning their citizens about U.S. travel after mass shootings

Foreign nations are warning their citizens that traveling in the United States could put them at risk of becoming a victim of a mass shooting.
statement Monday from Uruguay’s Foreign Ministry warned about “growing indiscriminate violence” in the U.S.
It urged Uruguayans traveling there to avoid “theme parks, shopping centers, festivals, religious events, gastronomic fairs and any kind of cultural or sporting events.” U.S. authorities are unable to prevent mass shootings because of “indiscriminate” gun ownership, the statement said.
Venezuela’s foreign minister released a similar statement, also warning its citizens to avoid large gatherings where mass shootings might occur.
The Japanese Consul in Detroit on Sunday published an alert that said Japanese nationals “should be aware of the potential for gunfire incidents everywhere in the United States,” which it described as “a gun society.”
The advisories come after two deadly shooting attacks in the U.S. in the span of less than 24 hours.
First, a gunman opened fire at a Walmart in El Paso, killing 22 people and wounding dozens of others.
Hours later, nine people were killed when a man sprayed bullets into a crowd of people on a busy street in Dayton, Ohio.

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