Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pantaleo - I feel very Bad About Killing Mr. Eric Garner

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- Several weeks ago, I opened my SmithBits Blogtalk Radio Show up with Ice-T's "Cop Killer".  It was a little to much for the listening audience to digest.  The parody of the story, is when cops do things that kill their own careers.  I was always taught, that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, or swims like a duck -- IT"S  A DUCK!!

So how many ways does putting a chokehold on a citizen and killing him, not murder?  When a Grand jury, says that it's not so, until it happens to you or your loved ones.

So the double standard continues in AMERICA even with video that shows a rabit punk ass cop killing a citizen IN COLD BLOOD MURDER and it's LEGAL!!

It's will not be to hard for Officer Pantaleo to get a partner each and every morning of work, with a target on his back.  I for one do not want to be anyway close to him, for a disgruntle citizen may mistake his partner for him instead.  

Oh yea, his commanding officer was an unidentified black female sergeant who headed the operation that killed Mr. Garner.  And yet, she is as guilty as the rest of those officers who have no ears and could not hear a person crying for help as they were killing him on camera and before the eyes of the world.

Police Officer Says He Feels 'Very Bad' About Eric Garner Choke Hold Death

PHOTO: Daniel Pantaleo, the Staten Island cop accused of putting Eric Garner in a fatal choke hold, was not indicted by a Staten Island grand jury.

A New York City police officer who will not be indicted for the death of a man he put in a choke hold has spoken out for the first time since the incident.

Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, 29, was suspended in mid-July following the death of Eric Garner. He issued a statement today after it was announced that a Staten Island grand jury has declined to indict the officer.

"I became a police officer to help people and to protect those who can't protect themselves," Pantaleo said in the statement. "It is never my intention to harm anyone and I feel very bad about the death of Mr. Garner. My family and I include him and his family in our prayers and I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss."

Garner's family has already announced that they intend to file a wrongful death lawsuit against NYPD for $75 million.

Jonathan Moore, the attorney for Garner's family, said that the grand jury's decision not to indict the police officer shows marked similarities to the decision of the Ferguson, Missouri, grand jury when it chose not to indict police officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot unarmed teen Michael Brown.
"The family is very upset and disappointed that these officers are not getting indicted for any criminal conduct," Moore said.

The family also took issue with the way that the police officers involved were handled when it came to their grand jury testimony. Both Pantaleo and his partner testified in front of the 23-person jury. The partner had immunity from prosecution at the time of his appearance.

"As we saw in Ferguson sometimes these grand jury’s turn into trials without the real parties being present to cross examine the participants," Moore said in the statement. "It’s hard to believe that that all the officers other than Daniel were granted immunity. As evidenced by the video there were several officers who impacted Mr. Garner while he was on the ground. These officers were granted immunity before any evidence was ever presented."

The president of the city's Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, Patrick Lynch, said that while they are "pleased" with the decision, "there are no winners today."

"It is clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed and that he used the take down technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused," Lynch said in a statement.

The July 17 incident was caught on video and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton previously described the officer's move as a choke hold, which is not an approved technique for the police department.

Bratton also said that every member of the NYPD would have to be retrained in light of the incident.

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